Archive for January, 2009

What Do Blood Pressure Numbers Mean?

January 28, 2009

What Do Blood Pressure Numbers Mean?
When I was first diagnosed, my blood pressure was very high at 220/140, so I was very keen to find out what this meant for me!
Blood pressure is read at two points: at the systole, which is the high point at which the heart contracts to empty its blood into the circulatory system. The low point is the point at which the heart relaxes to fill with blood returned by the circulation, called diastole. Most guidelines suggest that if a person’s diastolic pressure is greater than 90 to 95mm and their systolic pressure is greater than 140 to 16 mm, then that person should receive treatment in order to lower the blood pressure. For example if the systolic pressure is 120 and the diastolic presure is 80 the doctor would say your blood pressure is 120 over 80 or 120/80 .

Does Blood Pressure Stay the Same?
Blood pressure varies throughout the day, even when we are not active. This is a natural biorhythm,. this altered biorhythm seems to have clinical consequences. Heart attacks and strokes occur most commonly early in the morning when blood pressure is at its highest point in its 24 hour cycle.

As part of my own initial evaluation, I wore a blood pressure monitor for 24 hours, which measured my BP readings every 10 minutes and automatically recorded the data for the consultant to study.

Sometimes irregular visits to the doctor can produce misleading results if the readings are taken say early in the morning at one visit and late in the afternoon. Another interesting phenomenon  is called theLAB COAT EFFECT’. A visit to the doctor often produces anxiety, which causes blood pressure to go up! Often the nurse will take another reading 5 minutes later and it will be lower or ‘normal’.

In fact home monitoring with your own blood pressure monitor at the same time of day when relaxed can be useful execise. Use the same arm as BP can vary slightly between arms. Avoid smoking, strong nasal sprays and strong coffee for an hour before taking a reading. It is important not to let high blood pressure take over your life. Becoming obsessive about it will only raise your BP unnecessarily.

Please Check out these Natural Remedy Sites:

Blood Pressure Normalised

The Silent Killer Exposed

Always take medical advice before coming off prescribed medications

BP Medications cause Impotence & Kill Your Sex Life!

January 26, 2009

The Doc Doesn’t Tell You This Stuff:

Here is my Quick BP Medications Impotence Guide

Thiazides are the worse for causing impotency. Some of these current drugs are –
Chlorthalidone (Hygroton) – impotency
Chlorothiazide (Diuril) -impotency
Hydrochlorothiazide (Esidrix) – impotency
Triamterene (Maxzide) – decreased sex drive
Beta blockers are next in line for causing impotency. Some of these current drugs are –
Atenolol (Tenormin) – impotency
Labetalol (Normodyne) – impotency
Metoprolol (Lopressor) – sexual problems and impotency
Minoxidil (Loniten) – quite harmful – if it doesn`t cure your hypertension it will probably cure your male pattern baldness! Alopecia
Propranolol (Inderal) – impotency
Other antihypertensive and diuretic drugs that could, but are less likely to cause impotency are –
Clonidine (Catapres) – impotency
Enalapril (Vasotec)
Guanabenz (Wytensin) – sexual difficulties (reduced sexual desire or ability)
Guanfacine (Tenex) – impotency
Hydralazine (Apresoline)
Methyldopa (Aldomet) – impotency
Phenoxybenzamine (Dibenzyline) – sexual difficulties
Prazosin (Minipress) – this drug can cause the opposite of impotency , causing involuntary erections! Sort of Viagra Effect. Wa-hey!
Reserpine (Serpasil)
Spironolactone (Aldactone) – impotency
Verapamil (Calan) – sexual problems

A lot of people start taking medication in their forties and fifties so some loss of sexual performance is just down to ageing. BUT If you notice a dramatic change within a short period you need to change your medication. Symptons include complete loss of desire, no pleasure from orgasm (just release – no feeling) or failure to get a good erection. I am speaking from MY own experience! OK I’m not a doctor but this ain’t right!!!

Please Check out these Natural Remedy Sites:

Blood Pressure Normalised

The Silent Killer Exposed

Please take medical advice before coming off prescribed medications

New Year New Diet

January 5, 2009

Research has shown that reducing weight can have a positive effect reducing blood pressure. In western society being overweight is regarded more of a vanity issue than a health concern. Many at risk groups choose to ignore the health warnings or do not have the information to make informed choices.

Just losing a couple of pounds is not going to make any differnce but if someone is overweight say losing a stone or more can have all sorts of benefits on the whole body.

SO It’s January again and we often decide 2009 is the year to get fit and get slim. The orgy of overeating during the holidays is over and it should be the best time for a new start. The TVs are bombarding us with easy ways to gain fitness and lose fat.


You don’t get fat because of a lack of exercising, that’s the myth that comes up time and time again. You get fat because you don’t eat the right foods at the right intervals each day. This simple but highly effective publication below shows you how simply changing your diet alone will make you lose 9lb every 11 days and then how to repeat these steps until you reach your optimum weight.

New Year New Diet Lose 9lb in 11 days

New Year New Diet Lose 9lb in 11 days


Take advantage of a New Year New Diet.  Look better, lose weight and get you blood pressure down!

High Blood Pressure Treatment (HyperTension)

January 4, 2009

Background: About 10 years ago aged 42, I started getting chest pains, so like a typical man I just ignored them and got on with life! Then about 5 years ago the pains became more intense and I did not seem to have the energy and buzz I used to have. I had just moved house to Macclesfield Cheshire UK and decided to register with a local doctor.

I thought this was going to be routine but turned out otherwise! The nurse took my blood pressure and it was 220/140, She said “WOW! Now that’s what I call hypertension” (If you don’t understand BP  readings VERY High). In fact she sent me away for ten minutes and I came back and confirmed the readings on a separate machine. She spoke to the practise GP and they arranged for me to go to hospital in a couple of days for all kinds of tests including ECG on my heart.

Anyway it transpired that the high blood pressure had damaged my heart and I had developed a condition called LVH (Left Ventricular Hypertrophy) This is an enlarged heart muscle which is a bad thing! An efficient heart is small and in balance. LVH lots of people die early of this undiagnosed condition. Anyway I was told to take things easy for a while and they put on loads of different drugs to get the BP down to a safe level.

Yes, we got the blood pressure under control but I had a miserable year of feeling ill, not because of my condition but because of the drugs prescribed by the doctor.

Lisinopril,  (ACE Inbibitor) also known as Zestril & Prinivil.  I developed the classic symptons including bad cough, tiredness, skin rashes and palpitations.  I thought the cough was more likely to give me heart attack, than hypertension!

Atenolol (Beta Blocker) This made me impotent and I had dizzy spells as well.  Apparently many bp drugs kill your sex drive.  The doc doesn’t tell you that!!

I started to take note of my problems and did some research on the web. After going through several more drug regimes, I finally persuaded the Doctor to put me on Cozaar Losartan Potassium (Angiotensin II antagonist) and Bendroflumethiazide (Diuretic water tablets). Of course these drugs were twice the cost of my existing medications, so that was one reason why the doctor did not want to prescribe them! (Out of his NHS Trust budget).

Anyway these medications are by no means perfect but work for me. So I have been interested in natural remedies every since. I have reduced my alcohol intake drastically and I live a more healthy lifestyle. After a year of being a good boy.  I had a scan on my heart and it was getting back to normal size. It is still a weak heart so needs looking after! So I do more exercise than I used to. That seems to have done the trick for me!

Please Check out these Natural Remedy Sites:

Blood Pressure Normalised

The Silent Killer Exposed

IMPORTANT: Please take medical advice before coming off prescribed medications

You Must Visit My Mini Review Site 6000+ Products

Take care now!